Library economics and notions of bibliometrics [ LCLIB2110 ]
5.0 crédits ECTS
37.5 h
Teacher(s) |
Dorban Michel ;
Language |
Place of the course |
Main themes |
- discovering professional literature for librarians : main journals (in french : Lectures; Cahiers de la documentation; Le Documentaliste; Bulletin des bibliothèques de France; etc.);
- discovering professional associations (national and international as IFLA) : their Web sites; publications; congress; etc.);
- discovering and to use specialized bibliographical data bases (Ulrich's; LISA; Francis; Ciatation Index; JCR (Journal of citation report); etc.);
- discovering ISO standards in documentation, in particular cataloging; exchange of bibliographical data; makink thesaurus; indicators of performance; etc.);
- visiting at less one academic library, one public library and one documentation center;
Aims |
- to know the main functions of a library and self learning how to update his knowledge in librarianship;
- to be able to make indicators in order to manage a library (from check-list made in prevision of a lot of visits of libraries);
- to be able to measure the performance of a library and the satisfaction of the users;
- to know the main laws of bibliometrics and their application in analyze users behaviour and in analyze of scientific production;
- to develop skills in forcasting (ISD, alarm systems; etc.);
Content |
The theoretical teaching of libraries management technology set out actual cases, namely out different parts (acquisition, cataloging, information retrieval, book circulation and preservation) present in the main specialized software -s of the matter. The lessons save up an important part to evaluation methods and to performance measures included main laws in bibliometrics. It introduce to new technologies and to scientometrics concepts, technology-watch and economic intelligence.
Other information |
Other informations (previous knowledge, evaluation, course -s support,
For master -s student in STIC, library section, theoretical course lean on a three months training period in the UCL -s libraries included a seminary.
Cycle et année d'étude |
> Master [120] in History
> Master [120] in Information and Communication Science and Technology
Faculty or entity in charge |
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