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Aménagement des formations forestières tempérées et tropicales [ LBIRF2202 ]

6.0 crédits ECTS  45.0 h + 15.0 h   1q 

Teacher(s) Ponette Quentin (coordinator) ; Blanchez Jean-Louis ; Farcy Christine ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes - Concepts of forest planning: time, space, rotation, target structures, allowable cut; - Steps in forest planning: analysis, synthesis, implementation, monitoring and evaluation; - Forest management options according to societies (forest, agricultural, industrial, post-industrial); - Main forest planning methods: monospecific evenaged high forests, selection system, irregular stands, coppice, coppice with standards, transformation/conversion; - Identification and integration of the environmental and social services (biodiversity, landscape, public recreation, ...); - Management of forests and woodlands in "warm" ecological zones (mainly tropics): context analysis (physical factors, vegetation, stakeholders, goods and services production/valorization and trade, socio-economic factors analysis), approaches and tools for tropical rain forests, dry forests and woodlands management, forest plantations, trees outside forests and agroforestry, integrated and participative approaches for watershed and natural resources parks and reserves management.
Aims By the end of this course, the student will be able to: - master the methods and tools involved at the various stages of the management process of the forests in ecological zones related to temperate and tropical climate - diagnosis, synthesis, implementation and monitoring; - select, analyze, and synthesize data from various fields including natural resources evaluation, management, social and environmental impact assessment, etc…; - propose appropriate spatial and temporal schedules for silvicultural operations within forested entities so as to cope with a range of well defined objectives taking into account constraints, risks and potentialities from various disciplines and stakeholders.
Content This course is made of three interconnected modules. - Module 1 (22.5h). Forest management in temperate zones: lectures (theoretical courses and seminars); - Module 2 (15h). Forest management in temperate zones: case studies - critical analysis of forest management plans, field excursions; - Module 3 (22.5h). Forest and woodland management in "warm" ecological zones (tropics): lectures (theoretical courses and seminars), practical exercise dealing with the management of a watershed.
Other information Precursory courses : Geomatics, ecology, silviculture, forest mensuration, forest economics and policy, wildlife ecology and management. Supplemental courses : Environmental policy and law, land use planning. Evaluation : Oral and written examination, report based on the personal work. Support : Lecture notes, slides, web site icampus. Recommended readings : Buongiorno, J., Gilless, J.K., 2003. Decision methods for forest resource management. Academic Press, San Diego, California, USA, 439 p. de Turckheim, B., Bruciamacchie, M., 2005. La futaie irrégulière. Théorie et pratique de la sylviculture irrégulière, continue et proche de la nature. Edisud, Aix-en-Provence, France, 286 p. Dubourdieu, J., 1997. Manuel d'aménagement forestier. Gestion durable et intégrée des écosystèmes forestiers. Lavoisier Tec&Doc, Paris, France, 243 p. Linot, M., Nicot, P., 2009. Manuel paysager pour la forêt comtoise. CRPF, ONF (CDROM). Moigneu, T., 2005. Gérer les forêts périurbaines. Office National des Forêts, Fontainebleau, France, 414 p. Teaching team : Professors and invited speakers for lectures; Professors, assistant and technician for field excursions and labs. Miscellaneous : A forest planning project is carried out within the course BIRF2203-2 entitled 'Project in integrated forest management'.
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Forests and Natural Areas Engineering
Faculty or entity
in charge

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