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Applied soil sciences [ LBIRE2104 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h + 22.5 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Titeux Hugues (compensates Delvaux Bruno) ; Delvaux Bruno ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes Three topics will be discussed: 1 soil forming processes and current pedological processes: alteration, formation of secondary minerals, organo-mineral interactions, transfer of materials and types of major processes of weathering and pedogenesis, diagnosis of the current processes, acidification and net alcanilisation, soil evoluation. 2 Geography of major soil types: recognition of land in the international WRB system, study the functioning of major soil types in their natural ecosystems and in ecosystems modified by man. 3 R"Lateral" relations: functioning of the soil cover throughout a toposequence and catchment, dynamic evolution of a toposequence; skills station.
Aims The aim of this course is to understand the principles of soil functioning, based on the relationships between factors processes and properties. Knowledge: - Integrated knowledge of soil formation processes and current pedological processes, (1) considering the soil as natural object (2) framing the processes within the broad bio-climatic ensembles, (3) situating the soil at the local, toposequence and catchment scales, (4) by apprehending the human impact on the process. Know-how: - Ability to integrate the basic disciplines (1) to analyze and diagnose soil processes and the functioning of soils, (2) understand the impact of man on them. - Ability to integrate the principles of soil functioning to understand the soil in the landscape and ecosystem.
Content Part I: The process of soil formation and current pedological processes. Constitution of the weathering complex, construction and use of phase diagrams (stability, solubility); estimating proton balance; application to current processes. Part II: The Geography of sols. Identification of soils in the international WRB system, study the functioning of major soil types in their natural ecosystems and in ecosystems modified by man; interpretation of morphological data and analytical profiles. Part III: Lateral relations and toposéquences : Compréhension of "lateral" phenomena in the soil toposequence; interpretation of morphological data and analytical profiles, field work, excursions. Part IV: Regional pedology. Application of the concepts developed in the previous three parts: reading of the Belgian soil map, interpretation of morphological data and analytical profiles, making of a detailed soil map.
Other information Prerequisites : Soil Sciences Evaluation : Exam; assessment of the reports of the practical work Support Book : "Major Soils of the World", lecture notes Supervision : 1 teacher, 1 assistant
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Agricultural Bioengineering
> Master [120] in Environmental Bioengineering
> Master [120] in Forests and Natural Areas Engineering
Faculty or entity
in charge

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