General hydrology [ LBIRE2103 ]
5.0 crédits ECTS
30.0 h + 22.5 h
Teacher(s) |
Bielders Charles ;
Vanclooster Marnik (coordinator) ;
Language |
Place of the course |
Main themes |
- Issues of water management at the local and catchment scale
- Hydrological cycle (rainfall, infiltration, run-off, drainage, hypodermic flow, evapotranspiration) : processes, mathematical description, measurement methods and interpretation.
- Hydrological modelling at the field and catchment scale
- Hydraulic control of surface water flow
Aims |
At the end of the theoretical course (2.5 ECTS) and the practical exercises (2.5 ECTS), the students must be able :
- to understand the issue of water management at the scale of the local scale (the field parcel) and the scale of the catchment ;
- to describe the different processes and the different terms of the hydrological cycle at the scale of a pedon, the field parcel and the catchment, and to understand the equations used for describing these processes ;
- to describe the functioning, the advantages and disadvantages of hydrological measurement devices ;
- to interpret basic hydrological measurements (rainfall, evapotranspiration, drainage and run-off);
- to calculate, by means of simple hydrological models, the rainfall runoff relationship at the field and catchment scale;
- to justify the choice of a hydraulic device to control the surface water flow at the field and catchment scale; and
- to write a synthetic report on the practical work and to analyse critically the obtained results.
Content |
Theoretical courses
- Introduction. Issues of hydrology at different scales
- Rain- Infiltration
- Evapotranspiration
- Run-off
- Hydrological modelling
- Hydrological control
Practical work
The theoretical aspects are illustrated by means of practical work in the laboratory and computer class room around 2 hydrological projects : the design of a storm bassin in a catchment and the calculation of the hydrological balance of a field parcel. An excursion allows to illustrate concepts of hydrometry and hydrological control.
Other information |
Supplemental courses Soil physics, integrated water resources management, open channel hydraulics
Evaluation Report on the practical works and the excursion. Oral examination
Support - Transparencies of the theoretical course (
- Syllabus (
Cycle et année d'étude |
> Master [120] in Agricultural Bioengineering
> Master [120] in Environmental Bioengineering
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Faculty or entity in charge |
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