Anthropology of mobility and sedentarisation [ LANTR2040 ]
5.0 crédits ECTS
30.0 h
Teacher(s) |
Reyniers Alain ;
Language |
Place of the course |
Main themes |
Le cours abordera à travers des exposés magistraux et des travaux de lectures:
A titre d'exemple, les thématiques et concepts suivantes:
Nomadisme, Pastoralisme, Sédentarité, Chasseur-Cueilleurs, Mobilité, Spatialité, Itinérance, Errance, Lien à la terre,
Et les populations suivantes : Tsiganes, Bédouins, Kung, Pygmées, Mongoles, Inuits, Guarani, etc.
Through lectures and readings such themes as : nomadism, pastoralism, sedentarisation, hunting and gathering, mobility, space, travelling, wandering, roots
will be critically analysed
Aims |
Initiation into the theories and themes relevant to an anthropology of mobility and sedentarisation
Deepening awareness of a specific issue in this field
Relating this theme to the end of term paper
Other information |
For anthropology students this course will be evaluated according to the rules applying to the Mas-ter in anthropology, for other students a conventional exam is foreseen
Specific ways and means will be detailed by the teacher
Cycle et année d'étude |
> Master [120] in Philosophy
> Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - Philosophy
> Master [120] in History
> Master [60] in History
> Master [120] in Population and Development Studies
> Master [60] in Philosophy
> Master [60] in Sociology and Anthropology
> Master [120] in Anthropology
> Master [120] in Sociology
Faculty or entity in charge |
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