1. Introduction to human rights and values in Europe
2. The architecture of human rights protection in Europe (I), the Council of Europe
S. Greer, The European Convention on Human Rights. Achievements, Problems and Prospects, Cambridge, CUP, 2006, Chapter 1.
3. The architecture of human rights protection in Europe (II), the European Union
P. Craig and G. de Burca, EU Law, Oxford, OUP, 2008, Chapter 11.
4. The architecture of human rights protection in Europe (III), the challenges of a multi-level system
a. ECtHR, Bosphorus Airways v. Ireland, 30 June 2005.
b. ECJ, C-402/05 P Kadi v. Council and Commission [2008] I-6351.
5. The legal regime of human rights protection in Europe (I), direct effect and positive obligations
a. ECtHR, Storck v. Germany, n° 61603/00, 16 June 2005 .
b. ECJ, C-470/03 A.G.M. [2007] ECR I-2749.
6. The legal regime of human rights protection in Europe (II), proportionality and margin of appreciation
a. ECJ, C-245/01 RTL Television [2003] ECR I-12489.
b. ECtHR, A, B and C v. Ireland, 6 December 2010.
7. The legal regime of human rights protection in Europe (III), toward a hierarchy of rights ?
a. ECJ, C-112/00 Schmidberger [2003] ECR I-5659.
b. ECtHR, Von Hannover v. Germany, 24 June 2004.
8. Rights, values and policies in the EU (I), the scope of EU fundamental rights law
a. ECJ, C-328/04 Attila Vajnai [2005] ECR I-8577.
b. ECJ, C-555/07 Kücükdeveci , 19 January 2010, not yet published.
9. Rights, values and policies in the EU (II), the internal market
a. ECJ, C-36/02 Omega [2004] ECR I-9609.
b. ECJ, C-438/05 Viking [2007] ECR I-10779.
10. Rights, values and policies in the EU (III), competition law
a. ECJ, C-550/07 P Akzo Nobel, 14 September 2010.
b. ECJ, T-138/07 Schindler, 13 July 2011.
11. Rights, values and policies in the EU (IV), EU citizenship
a. ECJ, C-127/08 Metock [2008] ECR I-6241.
b. ECJ, C-34/09 Ruiz Zambrano, 8 March 2011.
12. Rights, values and policies in the EU (V), the area of freedom, security and justice
a. ECJ, C-491/10 PPU Zarraga, 22 December 2010, not yet published.
b. ECJ, C-61/11 PPU El Dridi, 28 April 2011, not yet published.