Nuclear thermal-hydraulics [ LBNEN2001 ]
6.0 crédits ECTS
Langue d'enseignement: |
Lieu de l'activité |
Thèmes abordés |
- Reactor heat generation
- Transport equations (single-phase & two-phase flow)
- Thermal analysis of fuel elements
- (Single-phase fluid mechanics and heat transfer)'usually already known
- Two-phase flow dynamics
- Two-phase heat transfer
- Single heated channel; steady state analysis
- Single heated channel; transient analysis
- Flow loops
- Utilisation of established codes and introduction to advanced topics (modelling and thermalhydraulics for GEN4 reactors)
Acquis d'apprentissage |
- To be familiarised with various reactor types and their main design and operational characteristics
- To learn how to estimate the volumetric heat generation rate in fission reactor cores under normal operation and shutdown conditions
- To learn how to analyse the thermal performance of nuclear fuel elements
- To learn the basic fluid mechanics of single phase reactor cooling systems
- To learn to calculate pressure drop in reactor systems, including tube bundles, and spacer grids
- To learn to analyse the heat transfer characteristics of single phase reactor cooling systems
- To learn the basic fluid mechanics of two-phase systems, including flow regime maps, void-quality relations, pressure drop, and critical flow
- To learn the fundamentals of boiling heat transfer, and its implications for reactor design
- To learn the fundamentals of core thermal design, with attention to design uncertainty analysis and hot channel factors.
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Modes d'évaluation des acquis des étudiants |
Closed book - oral
Méthodes d'enseignement |
- 2 t.m.: 40h teaching + seminar and 15h practical works in classroom
- SCK.CEN guidance for demonstrations with codes
- SCK.CEN + UCL TA for practical works
Contenu |
- Reactor heat generation
- Transport equations (single-phase & two-phase flow)
- Thermal analysis of fuel elements
- (Single-phase fluid mechanics and heat transfer)'usually already known
- Two-phase flow dynamics
- Two-phase heat transfer
- Single heated channel; steady state analysis
- Single heated channel; transient analysis
- Flow loops
- Utilisation of established codes and introduction to advanced topics (modelling and thermalhydraulics for GEN4 reactors)
Bibliographie |
- Todreas, N.E. and Kazimi, M.S. Nuclear System I: Thermal Hydraulic Fundamentals, Hemisphere Publishing Corp., New York, 1990.
- Todreas, N. E. and Kazimi, M.S. Nuclear Systems II: Elements of Thermal Hydraulic Design, Hemisphere Publishing Corp., New York, 1990.
Autres infos |
Professor at the Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve)
Master in Turbulence modeling and Transfer Phenomena, Ecole Nationale Polytechnique de Grenoble, France, 1998.
PhD in Mechanical engineering, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada, 2003: Modeling of supersonic plasma jets in non-Local Thermodynamics Equilibrium
Research fields: Fluid mechanics, heat transfer, compressible flows, two-phase flows, thermodynamics, computational fluid dynamics
Teaching duties in BNEN: Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics
Other research activities: scientific leader for UCL in European projects in nuclear thermal-hydraulics:
NURESIM: CFD Simulation of instabilities in a stratified two-phase flows relevant to PTS scenario NURISP: Simulation of two-phase chocked flows during LOCA: implementation of non-equilibrium models in CATHARE 3
THINS: Direct and Large Eddy Simulation (DNS/LES) of convective heat transfer for low Prandtl fluids (Liquid metals)
UCL Promotor of other projects in energy
Other duties: Member of the CFD group at OECD, Member of the European Nuclear Engineering Network (ENEN)
Cycle et année d'étude |
> Master complémentaire en génie nucléaire
Faculté ou entité en charge |
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