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Cell and molecular biology: experimental systems [ WSBIM2112 ]

3.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   1q 

Teacher(s) Boutry Marc ; Collet Jean-François ; Tissir Fadel ; Goffinet André ; Rezsohazy René ; Decottignies Anabelle (coordinator) ;
Language French
of the course
Bruxelles Woluwe

There is no specific prerequisite for this course. There is no specific prerequisite for this course.

Main themes

Several experimental models with their own distinct advantages are used in research. This course proposes an overview of the eight experimental models that are most often used in research. The course will provide information about how these model organisms contributed to major discoveries in the past and continue to be important tools in research.


Provide an overview of several experimental models used in fundamental research: bacteria, yeasts, plant, C. elegans worm, D. rerio zebrafish, drosophila, mouse and Xenopus

Evaluation methods

The exam will be a written test.

Teaching methods

The course will be organized into 3h-sessions and will be given by specialized teachers coming from UCL and other Belgian universities. Powerpoint presentations will be proposed and will next be available on icampus website. There will be no syllabus.

Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Biomedicine
> Master [60] in Biomedicine
Faculty or entity
in charge

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