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Sémiologie et intégration physiopathologique [ WMED1301 ]

3.0 crédits ECTS  15.0 h + 15.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Lambert Michel ; Geubel André ; Pirson Yves ; Vanpee Dominique ; Devuyst Olivier ; Beauloye Christophe ; Delmée Michel ; Thissen Jean-Paul ; Vanoverschelde Jean-Louis ; Laterre Pierre-François ; Leclercq Isabelle (coordinator) ; Pieters Thierry ;
Language French
of the course
Bruxelles Woluwe

The prerequisites are the course of respiratory physiology FYSL 1211 and 1311. The main points of the lecture can be found on the ICampus platform.

Main themes

Anatomy, semiology and respiratory physiopathology are very linked together. The lecture will be given in one hour about the classical respiratory semiological signs which are the anamnesis, inspection, palpation and auscultation of the chest. We will concluded by an introduction to big disorders i.e. dyspnea, cough or thoracic pain through clinical cases in order to initiate workgroups.

Evaluation methods

These groups should prepare an original oral presentation and text that will be shared with the other groups under the supervision of the teacher. This work will be rated. A multiple choice examination common to the other parts of the course is planned as well.

Cycle et année
> Bachelor in Medecine
Faculty or entity
in charge

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