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Ergonomy and professional management [ WDENT2170 ]

2.0 crédits ECTS  15.0 h   1q 

Teacher(s) Beun Sébastien ;
Language French
of the course
Bruxelles Woluwe
Main themes Risks and constraints of the exercise of the profession. Dental Units, working concepts and equipment. Professional areas and operatory layouts. Dental hygiene Management of the office The team (dentist, assistant, secretary)
Aims The student must be able to work under healthy and not - stressing conditions in his office. He must be able to avoid any contamination at the time of the exercise of his profession and must be able to manage his office.
Content Powerpoint presentation. Ergonomic principles of dental practice - Risks and constraints of the exercise of the profession - The working place Dental Units, working concepts and equipment Patient chairs Working stools Cabinet elements Tray elements Operating lights Dental laboratory - Waiting areas - Working concepts and equipment Dental hygiene, prevention - Basis (definitions, modes and routes of transmission, cross contamintion) - Diseases of special concern - The dental health team and patient treatment - Dental treatment areas and the laboratory - Sterilization equipment and supplies
Other information Evaluation: Written examination Reference : Handbook +/- 200 pages
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Dentistry
Faculty or entity
in charge

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