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Methods in Haematological Biology [ WBCMM2101 ]

3.0 crédits ECTS  20.0 h + 10.0 h  

Teacher(s) Chatelain Bernard ; Scheiff Jean-Marie (coordinator) ; Deneys Véronique ;
Language French
of the course
Bruxelles Woluwe
Main themes Morphology (5 hours) : - Automated counting of the blood cells - Errors in an Haematological Morphology Lab - Quality control (including the evaluation of an automated haematology counter) - Microscopy : principles, special optical systems, electron microscopy - General morphological methods : harvesting, fixation, differentiation,… - Special morphological methods : cytochemistry, cytoenzymology, immunocytochemistry, autoradiography Immuno-haematology (5 hours) : - Blood groups - Irregular anti-erythrocyte allo-antibodies - Anti-erythrocyte auto-antibodies - Pretransfusion cross-matching - Flow cytometry : principles and applications Transfusion (4 hours) : - Blood donation - Organization in a blood transfusion centre - Red cell transfusion - Labile and stable blood components - Transfusion complications Haemostasis (6 hours) : - Routine tests in coagulation - Specific quantitative analysis of factor VIII, von Willebrand, IX, XI, XII, and prenatal diagnosis of haemophilia and von Willebrand disease - Specific quantitative analysis of factor I, II, V, VII, X - Dysfibrinogenemia evaluation - Thrombophilic evaluation - Activation markers in haemostasis - Screening and quantitative analysis of natural and pathological coagulation inhibitors - Control of the efficacy of anticoagulant and anti-aggregation treatment - Evaluation of the fibrinolysis and control of thrombolytic treatment
Aims Explanation of the methods used in morphology, immuno-haematology, blood transfusion and haemostasis. Teaching interpretation of the results in relationship with the clinical situations. Quality control and general organization in a Haematology Lab.
Content Lecture and practice. Practical teaching of the medical doctors and pharmacists in training, about the medical supervision of the emergency tests (haemostasis, blood transfusion and morphology)
Other information Evaluation : -written and oral examination (theory) -practical evaluation after a 6 months training period
Cycle et année
> Advanced Master in Clinical Biology
Faculty or entity
in charge

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