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Current Issues of International Security [ LSPRI2010 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  15.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Lauwers Michèle ;
Language English
of the course
Main themes The main themes that will be treated depend on the recent international events. The theories and concepts rele-vant for their analysis will be explained at the beginning of the seminar and if necessary dealt with in depth as the need arises.
Aims The aim of the seminar is to enable the student to focus on a question of international security and to analyze it in terms of decision-making processes. He is therefore expected to be familiar with the main contemporary theo-ries and concepts of international security and apply them to specific problems in the framework of a rigorous and documented analysis.
Content The course takes the form of a seminar where each student is called upon to choose and develop his own re-search projet among the subjects proposed on the theme of international security. The teacher will propose a conceptual, theoretical and methodological framework supporting the students' projects.
Other information Individual paper Presentation powerpoint ALAGAPPA Muthiah ed., Asian Security Order: Instrumental and Normative Features, Stanford CA: Stanford University Press, 2003, pp. 628, ISBN 0-8047-4629- BONIFACE Pascal (Sous la direction de), L'Année stratégique 2007, Iris / Dal-loz, 2006 LEYS Colin, The Rise and Fall of Development Theories, Nairobi, Bloomington, Ox-ford: EAEP, Indiana University Press, J. Currey, 1996, SCHUMPETER Joseph, Capitalisme, socialisme et démocratie, Paris: Payot, 1990 SEN Amartya, Un nouveau modèle économique : Développement, justice, liberté, Paris: Poche Odile Jacob, 2003 STIGLITZ Joseph Eugène, La Grande Désillusion, Fayard, 2002.
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Political Sciences: International Relations
Faculty or entity
in charge

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