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Orthopédagogie [ LPSYM2433 ]

6.0 crédits ECTS  60.0 h   1q 

Teacher(s) Grosbois Nathalie ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes This course will go into the knowledge of students in the particularities of functioning and cognitive, socio-emotional, psychomotor development of persons with genetic syndromes and distinctive handicaps. This course will train the students to the analysis and conception of individual of group intervention projects, adapted to persons of different ages with distinctive handicaps. It will also enable the students to bring out the adapted methodological choices and the limits of the results interpretations from research articles on atypical persons.
Aims This course aims more particularly at developing the followings competences: - explore critically the literature in the field of differential development psychology of these persons; -adapt to the particularities in terms of functionality and development of persons with various forms of handicap: identify and analyze the ordinary and atypical patterns in the behaviors, psychological functioning and learning; - proceed to evaluations in terms of adapted development; - become integrated in various specialized environment of intervention, which implies the collaboration and the work in a multidisciplinary team. - Develop their reflexivity as future practitioner in the field of ortohpaedics.
Content The course will propose: - an introduction to the topic of the evaluation in terms of diagnostic, function, dysfunction and development (with regards to the need, the age of the person and his/her deficiency); - evaluation tools adapted to atypical populations; - analysis of present works of research on the specificities of the development and cognitive, communicative, social and psychomotor functioning of persons with an handicap (mental, sensory, polyhandicap) and major development troubles (autism); - analysis of intervention project (psycho-educative, -social, -therapeutic) of various theoretical orientations (development, cognitive, behavioral, socio-constructivist,…) and changing according to the contexts (institutions, services of early accompanying intervention,…); - presentation of the methodological principles with regard to the integration, auto-determination of the handicapped person and to the partnership handicapped person-parents-professionals; - indication of methodological ways of research related to atypical persons. This course will propose to analyze scientific articles, videos showing evaluation with the use of protocols, some case studies, brainstorming linking literature and observations, and the intervention of field practitioner on the methods of taking over or researchers on the works in the field.
Other information Pre-required: links with the course of bachelor 3 of handicapped person psychology. Evaluation: oral exam with the analysis of a person's case with a particular handicap in a context defined by presented tools and with regards to the literature and the indication of interventions methods by the student.
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Psychology
Faculty or entity
in charge

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