Musical Analysis (languages and theory)
[ LMUSI1524 ]
3.0 crédits ECTS
22.5 h
This biannual course is taught on years 2010-2011, 2012-2013, ...
Van Wymeersch Brigitte ;
Place of the course
Main themes
Revision of concepts of theory (fundamentals of music, the principle of form and grammar of tonal music). Elements of harmony and counterpoint. Historical contextualization of the evolution of musical language.
Introduction to basic musical language (harmony, counterpoint, tonality, modality). Historical setting of these critical languages and reformulation of these notions from the perspective of musicology.
Revision of basic concepts of music theory. Understanding the logic of the musical system (training scales, modes, the harmonic language and contrapuntal). Figured bass. Elements of harmony and counterpoint. Openness to jazz and its harmonic structure.
Many work practices are required from students. The course is not lecture, but is based on a teaching practice where active student participation is required.
Other information
No prerequisite is required, but an upgrade in music playback is offered to students who have no basis in domaine