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Epistemology of management [ LLSMA2001 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) de Nanteuil Matthieu ;
Language English
of the course
Main themes In such a context, this course will include the following stages: . Introduction to main concepts and trends of epistemology in human sciences; - the debate between empirism and idealism; - the notion of critics (kantian, popperian, marxian, nitetzschean); - positivism and neo-positivism; - structuralism et systemism; - phenoménology and hermeneutics; - constructivism and mangement science. . Critical analysis of different research programmes on organized and/or managerial action in economics and sociology; . Access to a critical concept of "rationality", and identification of a "scientific object" in management studies.
Aims A course in Epistemology of research on management should allow the students to access to a critical theory of knowledge applied to management and, in a wider sense, to all disciplines that belong to management studies. Such an objective is at the same time theoretical and practical: firstly, it should help the students in understanding how a "management science" has been progressively invented, what are the challenges of such a scientific project and what are its main values and limits; secondly, it should give them the reflexive roots that appear necessary to fulfill their PhD. thesis in management studies. .
Content This course will be an opportunity to initiative a genuine dialog between the teacher and the students. Therefore, it will mix theoretical sessions (by the teacher) and presentations of scientific articles (by the students), and should stimulate collective discussions on main challenges in epistemology applied to research on management.
Other information Pré-requis (idéalement en termes de compétences) : aucun Evaluation : présentation d'articles, travail écrit individuel ( Support : un portefeuille de lecture Références : contenues dans le syllabus
Cycle et année
> Master of arts in Business engineering
> Master [120] in Management
Faculty or entity
in charge

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