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Oral language : development [ LLOGO1313 ]

3.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Hupet Michel ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes Main issues in language acquisition : innate ; role of the environment ; critical period ; relationship between language and cognition. Identification of the main stages in language acquisition. Acquisition of phonology. Acquisition of lexis. Acquisition of morphology and syntax. Acquisition of speech and pragmatics.
Aims To gain an overview of the ontogenesis of oral language both from a descriptive perspective as well as that of the cognitive processes involved. When assessing problems, to be able to use key reference elements in critical analysis when dealing with abnormal verbal behaviour in young children.
Content This course covers the following main topics: - to specify the maturational factors in the acquisition of oral language; - to form a picture of the successive stages in the progression of children's language (including the prelinguistic stages); - to identify the formal characteristics of language at the different stages in its development; - to enhance this description through an analysis of the variables which determine the development and working of the structures being observed (role of those in close contact with the child, modulated language, language and cognition, language and communication).
Other information Lectures
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Linguistics
> Bachelor in Psychology and Education : Speech and Language Therapy
> Preparatory year for Master in Speech and Language Therapy
Faculty or entity
in charge

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