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Philosophical texts III: Commentary on Modern Philosophers. [ LFILO1335 ]

3.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Gérard Gilbert ; Maesschalck Marc ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes To introduce the student to the critical reading of the key texts of Modern philosophy.
Aims By the end of the course, the student shall be able to comment on, analyze, and interpret one or more of the relevant texts of Modern philosophy in a critical manner. The student shall likewise be able to situate the text(s) in the larger context of Modern philosophy.
Evaluation methods

The student is expected to present a written work of ten pages taking bearing from the reading of proposed commentary in the reading file. He/she should attached, one page of lecture report on the compulsory texts. Having sent this work by mail, the student will in return receive a question on the sent work which he or she has to prepare in readiness for the oral examination.

Presentation of the question during the oral exam takes the duration of fifteen minutes.

The written work can be done in French, English, Spanish, or German, in agreement with the Professor.


The course will focus on the quintuple synthesis of the philosophy of Fitche as it is presented in the text on L´esprit et la lettre en philosophy(Über Geist und Buchstab in der Philosophie) of 1795. This construction of the quintuple synthesis will be analyzed in its theoretical (Wissenschaftslehre) and practical scope (especially, from the point of view of human action in history and the question of genius).


Basic Bibliography:

J.G. FICHTE, « L’esprit et la lettre en philosophie », in Essais philosophiques choisis (1795-1795) trad. par  A. Renaut, Vrin, Paris, 1984, pp. 83-109.

J. G. FICHTE, « Ueber geist und buchstab in der philosophie », (in "Über den Unterschied des Geistes und des Buchstabens in der Philosophie" (1794). GA, II,3, pp. 315-342. (Not in SW).

E. BRITO, J.G. Fichte et la transformation du christianisme, Peeters, Leuven,  2004. (spécialement le chapitre XI).

J.-Chr. GODDARD, La philosophie f ichtéenne de la vie : le transcendantal et le pathologique, Paris, Vrin, 1999.

M. MAESSCHALCK, Religion et identité culturelle chez Fichte, Olms, Hildesheim, 2000.

A. PHILONENKO, L’œuvre de Fichte, Vrin, Paris, 1984.

J. WIDMANN, Die Grundstruktur des transzendentalen Wissens nach. Joh. Gottl. Fichtes Wissenschaftslehre 1804², Hamburg, 1977.

Compulsory Reading

The reference text of Fichte and a commentary provided in the lecture file

Other information

Pre-requisites: Course on the History of Modern Philosophy. Assessment: The oral exam bears on a question relevant to the subject matter studied. The student, in collaboration with the professor, chooses a question and prepares a response before the exam; the answer must be based on the course and on the complementary readings. The exam consists of the presentation and subsequent discussion of this answer as well as in the commentary of an extract from the text (or texts) studied during the course. Supporting Materials: Text(s) studied during the course and a bibliography.

Cycle et année
> Certificat universitaire en philosophie (approfondissement)
> Bachelor in Philosophy
> Preparatory Year for Master in Philosophy
> Preparatory Year for Master in Ethics
Faculty or entity
in charge

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