Socio-political analysis of Latin America [ LDVLP2631 ]
5.0 crédits ECTS
30.0 h
Yépez Del Castillo Isabel ;
Place of the course
Main themes
- Get an insight of Latin-American political problems through a global analysis of the contemporary stages of political processes in relation with socio-economic evolutions.
- The course will be centered around the issue: Which democracies do we find in Latin America? It raises the issue of the existence and the nature of democracies in Latin America as well as the potential (of sur-vival, of deepening) of these democracies. Answering to this issue would mean to analyse the caracteristics and dynamics of the political regime, but also to take into account the main historical aspects of Latin-American societies.
- Ability to understand the complexity and the diversity of Latin-American realities and political proc-esses.
Other information
A written exam with questions on the themes developed in the course and on the portfolio readings.
The course material will be made of :
- portfolio readings gathering articles on the different themes
- a copy of the powerpoint slides used by the professor in the course (available on icam-pus).