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Stage en entreprise [ LBBMC2215 ]

20.0 crédits ECTS  40.0 h + 40.0 h  

Teacher(s) Rezsohazy René ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes The internship consists in a full-time occupation in a company sensu lato, which can be a research and development dept. of a pharma or biotech industry, or a consulting group, a management office, an administration etc. The trainee will be supervised by a dedicated person in the company, but will be assimilated as far as possible to the company working team he is involved in such as beig a staff member.
Aims The goal of internship is to immerse the student in a concrete professional framework (private laboratory, quality control department, design office, …). Through this training the student will gain a first-hand, short-term professional experience
Content Professional immersion
Other information Precursory courses: Master thesis Evaluation: - Competences and personal skills developed during the trainingh period in the company - Internship written report - Presentation and defence Support: A vademecum is made available for trainees Teaching team: - Supervisor from the company - Academic headmaster for the internship, by UCL
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Biochemistry and Molecular and Cell Biology
Faculty or entity
in charge

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