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Ethique en santé publique [ WSDEV2117 ]

crédits ECTS  15.0 h  

Teacher(s) Botbol Mylene (coordinator) ;
Language French
of the course
Bruxelles Woluwe
Main themes The principal questions treated will be linked to research ethics and the development of bioethics in developing countries. - contextualization of medical research from north to south - distributive justice of resources and access to care - prevention methodologies - capability to articulate general ethical and legal principles to context - situated anthropology of bioethics in situation of global epidemics such as Aids.
Aims The student should be familiar with the interdisciplinary regulations and principles of global bioethics of clinical research and the different phases of research ethics. He should be able to articulate universal principles of biomedical ethics in terms of international regulation (Who, Helsinki, Belmont report,…) to the individual capability of medical doctors and researched to apply them in context. The arm is the protection of the rights of participants in the context of globalisation of research. The student should be able at the end of the course to use ethical methodology in order to construct, in terms of contextual and empirical cases, model of public health regulations on a critical mode.
Content 1. Be able to articulate principles and context from a pragmatic narrative approach. 2. Be able to use argumentation models in bioethics in terms of research ethics.
Other information Write an essay portraying an ethical dilemma and solve it by constructing an alternative.
Cycle et année
> Advanced Master in Public Health: Health and Development
Faculty or entity
in charge

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