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Further Development in Clinical Chemistry [ WBICL2100 ]

6.0 crédits ECTS  60.0 h  

Teacher(s) Wallemacq Pierre (coordinator) ; Haufroid Vincent ; Vincent Marie-Françoise ; Leal Teresinha ; Maisin Diane ; Philippe Marianne ;
Language French
of the course
Bruxelles Woluwe
Main themes Preanalytics Analytical methods Quality controls Clinical enzymology List of the major biochemical biomarkers (liver, kidney, cardiac, pancreatic functions, lipids, cystic fibrosis, etc…) Clinical interpretation
Aims Provide students information regarding pre-analytics, analytics and post-analytics phases in clinical chemistry, in an environment of quality assurance. At the end of the session, the future clinical chemist should possess the basis to become a privilege consultant interpreting laboratory results in different pathologies. Pratical aspects will be further illustrated in the lecture BICL2108 Séminaires de Biochimie Médicale et prélèvements sanguins
Content The first part of the lecture will review all required preanalytical conditions (blood sampling, stability,…). The second part will include assessment of analytical performances (reproducibility, sensitivity, specificity, ROC curve,…). Among general topics, there will be clinical enzymology, Westgard rules, basis of automation,… Among specific topics: oligoelements, porphyrias, urinanalysis, lipids, proteins, blood gas, cystic fibrosis diagnostic, bone markers, tumor markers, cardiac markers, pancreatic markers, kidney, thyroid, liver... The third part will be dedicate to protocols and validations (hemoglobinopathies, protein electrophoresis, therapeutic drug monitoring,…).
Other information Evaluation : written exam Support : slides available on I-campus
Cycle et année
> Advanced master in Clinical Biology
Faculty or entity
in charge

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