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Modelling and analysis of dynamical systems [ LINMA2370 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h + 22.5 h   1q 

Teacher(s) Bastin Georges ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes First part : presentation of the modelling principles and methods in various areas of engineering sciences : electricity, mechanics, chemical and biochemical processes, environment. Second part : presentation of the major methods for the analysis of the structural properties of state space models : state transformations, equilibria, stability and attractors, controllability, singular perturbations.
Aims Aims - To make the students aware of the unifying character of the state space model concept in engineering sciences. - To introduce the students to the principles of mathematical modelling, and to the methods of dynamical systems analysis.
Content MODELING - mechanical, electrical, electromechanical systems - compartmental systems - reactional systems - systematic applications in various areas ANALYSIS - state transformations - equilibria - qualitative analysis of trajectories in the plane, periodical solutions, limited cycles, bifurcations - stability analysis : Lyapunov methods - controllability and stabilisation of linear and nonlinear systems
Other information no special information
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Chemical and Materials Engineering
> Master [120] in Mathematical Engineering
> Master [120] in Mechanical Engineering
> Master [120] in Electro-mechanical Engineering
> Master [120] in Biomedical Engineering
Faculty or entity
in charge

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