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Cadre législatif en matière de risques psychosociaux [ LGRBE2301 ]

2.0 crédits ECTS  20.0 h  

Teacher(s) Cordier Jean-Philippe ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes Presentation of international, European, federal and contractual standards on well-being of employees in the workplace, particularly from the perspective of the psychosocial load caused by work. Analysis of - the law of 4 August 1996 on well-being of employees when at work, especially the measures it contains on violence and moral and sexual harassment in the workplace - the Royal Decree of 17 May 2007 on the prevention of the psychosocial load caused by work, including violence and moral and sexual harassment in the workplace - the agreement, at the European level, on stress and the collective work agreement no. 72 of 30 March 1999 on managing prevention of stress caused by work - the jurisprudence which has developed in areas relating to the psychosocial load caused by work.
Aims Presentation of the laws and standards relating to psychosocial risks
Content Presentation of the laws and standards relating to psychosocial risks Presentation of international, European, federal and contractual standards on well-being of employees in the workplace, particularly from the perspective of the psychosocial load caused by work. Analysis of - the law of 4 August 1996 on well-being of employees when at work, especially the measures it contains on violence and moral and sexual harassment in the workplace - the Royal Decree of 17 May 2007 on the prevention of the psychosocial load caused by work, including violence and moral and sexual harassment in the workplace - the agreement, at the European level, on stress and the collective work agreement no. 72 of 30 March 1999 on managing prevention of stress caused by work - the jurisprudence which has developed in areas relating to the psychosocial load caused by work.
Other information Lectures, reading list, case studies, discussions.
Cycle et année
> Advanced Master in Risk Management and Well-Being in the Workplace
Faculty or entity
in charge

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