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Questions de psychopédagogie et de didactique : didactique du français, communication écrite et orale [ LFOPM2062 ]

4.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h  

Teacher(s) Lucchini Silvia ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes The course is designed to identify different methodological principles necessary to structure and organize learning involving the language of instruction with reference to various theoretical frameworks. This includes basic learning and the content of French lessons but also activities which promote the development of better language skills in learners. From a methodological perspective, links are regularly established between concrete examples (tools, methods etc) and the theoretical frameworks.
Aims By the end of this course, students will be capable, as educational psychologists, of playing an active role in the training of future teachers in the primary and secondary sectors in the field of written French, in every situation within the school and outside it (literacy). More particularly, they will be able to analyse the teaching methods of a teaching project in these areas and make recommendations for improvement with reference to didactic principles and academic and expert knowledge on learning techniques.
Content - To analyse the role of written and oral communication in contemporary society and the issues of learning at school how to read, write, listen and speak. To identify the outcomes and learning methods in official teaching programmes. - To understand the cognitive processes involved in the acts of reading, writing, listening and speaking. - To analyse and describe the different forms of written and oral messages. - To become aware of the level of competence in students of different ages and of special difficulties. - To understand the ways in which learning and the development of skills in written and oral communication can take place. - To analyse in a critical way different methods of learning to read and write in primary education. - To analyse in a critical way current teaching material to develop skills in written and oral communication. - To design and assess teaching materials (both for French and other subjects) to promote the development of written and/or oral communication.
Other information Development of a teaching strategy adapted to adults including the link between theory and practice, work in groups, training assessment and work on using material in practice. The training and assessment methods used must reflect the principles students have been taught.
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Education (shift schedule)
Faculty or entity
in charge

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