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Méthodes pédagogiques y compris l'évaluation des apprentissages [ LFOPM2021 ]

6.0 crédits ECTS  60.0 h  

Teacher(s) De Ridder Claire ; Paquay Léopold ; Charlier Evelyne ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes This course is mainly designed actively to (re)structure key knowledge : students design a method (including assessment tools), try it out, explain what they have done and interpret it with reference to expert concepts and models. The teaching methods (and assessment tools) (co-)designed by students must enhance the quality of learners' learning and their motivation as a priority. A system of common reference will be drawn up for all the groups to ensure that each student has a certain amount of concepts, models and procedures that can be re-used in other courses.
Aims By the end of the course, from the perspective of an adult trainer, students should be better able to : (1) within the overall framework of the system, develop teaching aids for training which are designed to help learners acquire skills (2) design assessment tools appropriate for a given context; (3) be able to explain the ways in which training and assessment methods are designed ; use, in a critical way, appropriate concepts and justify the main choices with reference to principles in psychology, pedagogy, epistemology, anthropology, ethics etc.
Content Throughout the stages of design, implementation, analysis and assessment of a teaching method (including the assessment tools), students will have the opportunity to: - analyse training techniques and methods and assess the conditions for applying each of them; - describe the method in one session or a series and analyse it with reference to models drawn from the expert literature (didactic triangle, META etc.); - design a teaching method, taking into account all the constraints and resources, outcomes for society, learning and motivation theories; - explain, select and justify the actions, procedures and principles involved in designing a teaching method for a particular unit of training ; - explain the educational intentions (outcomes, aims, objectives, skills etc) and intervention strategies designed to integrate knowledge and transfer it to each learner (differentiation, interdisciplinarity); - explain, select and justify the actions, procedures and principles involved in designing a formal assessment method; analyse the methods of assessment (players, time, functions, means); - assess a training intervention with reference to relevant criteria; - analyse in a critical way the issues arising from the various different choices.
Other information - Developing a teaching strategy adapted to adults includes the link between theory and practice, work in sub-groups, training assessment and group and individual work on making practical use of material and awareness of the mixed nature of groups (teachers and non-teachers). Training and assessment methods will reflect the principles covered in the course. - The precise nature of the reference system will be decided with the joint lecturers in charge of other courses on the methodology of training (all the different subject choices) and the psychology of learning course. Developing a teaching strategy adapted to adults includes the link between theory and practice, work in sub-groups, training assessment and group and individual work on making practical use of material. Illustrations from different fields of adult education and training: professional development, special education, schools, lifelong learning etc.
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Education (shift schedule)
Faculty or entity
in charge

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