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Séminaire d'intégration et accompagnement du mémoire 1 (option Formation) [ LFOPM2012 ]

3.0 crédits ECTS  0 h + 30.0 h  

Teacher(s) Bourgeois Etienne ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes In this seminar, students design a research project which will eventually be finalized in the dissertation. At the end of this year, they are expected to produce a folder outlining the project: the specific objective, proposition of hypotheses and a methodology for research ; choice of a supervisor and timetable.
Aims This seminar is an extension of the seminar from the foundation year (FOPA 1339). It is designed to enable students to design a research project in the field of adult training which will be finalized in the dissertation. The seminar is linked to all the courses, especially the course on the methodology of research in human sciences. Students are supported during the first stages in designing their research project.
Content This seminar is an extension of the seminar from the foundation year (FOPA 1339). It is designed to enable students to design a research project in the field of adult training which will be finalized in the dissertation. The seminar is linked to all the courses, especially the course on the methodology of research in human sciences. Students are supported during the first stages in designing their research project. In this seminar, students design a research project which will eventually be finalized in the dissertation. At the end of this year, they are expected to produce a folder outlining the project: the specific objective, proposition of hypotheses and a methodology for research ; choice of a supervisor and timetable.
Other information Methods The seminar principally takes place at the Summer University on a residential basis and brings together UCL students doing training and those from other partner universities on the international course 'Adult Training'. It is led by the lecturer from UCL as well as lecturers from other partner universities. The teaching sessions include specific methodological, epistemological and theoretical aids (presentations) as well as time for individual and collective supervision (small groups). Assignments are mainly reading and writing. Assessment Final assessment is on the assignment done for the seminar in the foundation year and the first year of the Master ; it is based on the folder drawn up by individual students which demonstrates their ability to design a research project and eventually complete their dissertation.
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Education (shift schedule)
Faculty or entity
in charge

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