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Special issues in psychomotor education (and training) [ LEDPH2282 ]

16.0 crédits ECTS  60.0 h   1+2q 

Teacher(s) Delens Cécile ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes Main subjects addressed (60h): Psychomotor development and primary scholarship Psychomotor intervention and teaching Games and toys as support of psychomotor and social development Psychomotor educator and parents Representation in psychomotor education Lifespan psychomotor development Psychomotor education and sport Practical training (75h) plus written report.
Aims At the end of the course the successful student will be able to program and execute interventions in psychomotor education. He will be able to address special aspects about psychomotor education. This course will include a practical training (75h) and a written report.
Content The contents will be coordinated with the active stage (about 60 hours on the ground is ± 8 credits) and reinvested in the probation report and training. The teaching style will be active pedagogy emphasizing return to the field. The questions will be preferred: - What is the psychomotor development is a key to the special education of the child? - How to work the complementarity between the various stakeholders who revolve around the child? Educators specializing in physical education psychomotor, teacher (s) and parents ... particularly around the representation psychomotricity? - The game, toys are potential carriers of the psychomotor and social development of children: psycho-analysis of play and toys. - Activities promoting self-knowledge and the specific work skills didactiques very important as an intervenor in psychomotor education (eg, complementarity and non-verbal language verbal tonic adjustment and control in the emotion, the development of divergent thinking and of the imagination, ...) will also be offered to students. Other issues of openness, such as issues of first psychomotricity of different ages of life and sports education will be discussed.
Other information Pre-requisite : Intervention in psychomotricity, Psycho-socio-motor development Evaluation : Continuous evaluation and oral examination Support : Syllabus and/or reference books Supervision : Titular professors and training supervisors
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Motor Skills: Physical Education
> Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - Physical Education
Faculty or entity
in charge

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