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Ageing and inter-generational relations [ LDEMO2611 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Rizzi Ester Lucia ; Gourbin Catherine ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes The main themes developed are: - Population ageing and individual ageing - Causes of ageing: decrease of fertility, decrease of mortality, effect of migrations - Measuring ageing: mean age, ageing ratios, dependency ratios, life expectancy without disability - Rectangularization of the survival curve: what progress can still be expected? - Physical, social and mental health among old people - Feminization of ageing - Traditional and new forms of solidarity between ages - Economic and social consequences of society's ageing process: impact on employment, social security (de-pendency insurance) and health… " Place of the aged in society: social policies adapted to ageing.
Aims Understand social and demographic causes of the population ageing process and its economic, social, political consequences but also the simultaneous changing relations between generations.
Other information Oral or written examination References, papers and other course documents available on Icampus. Portfolio of readings.
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Population and Development Studies
Faculty or entity
in charge

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