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Economie et politique forestières [ LBIRF2201 ]

3.0 crédits ECTS  37.5 h   1q 

Teacher(s) Jonard Mathieu (coordinator) ; Bemelmans Daniel ; Blanchez Jean-Louis ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes 1. Diagnosis of the forest sector: current trends in national and international forest policies; analysis of constraints and opportunities related to management and development; analysis of stakeholders in terms of behavior, capacities, and objectives; analysis of the institutional frame of the forest sector. 2. Design of forest policies: identification of future needs, definition of choices and priorities of development (participation methods, outlook analysis), interactions between sectorial policies and/or between national and international policies. 3. Analysis of the forest policies implementation tools such as grants, strengthening stakeholders capacities, legal and institutional reforms. 4. Comparative analysis of the international environmental strategies and their implication on the forestry sector. 5. Assessment of forest worth based on the discounting principle knowing the timing of expenditure and revenue. 6. Assessment of non-market forest goods and services. 7. Evaluation of the profitability of forestry operations under different scenarios (internal rate of return). 8. Knowing the pricing of timber on the market. 9. Knowing the business and tax items and market products involved in the activities of the actors of the timber industry.
Aims The objective of this course is to provide students with the basics of forest policy and forest economy so they are able to: - define appropriate forest policies so as (i) to answer social demand in forest products and services, as well as (ii) to take into account the uncertainties associated with the various kinds of forest programs; - understand the international strategies related to natural resources conservation and utilization and interpret their influences on forest policies and national development; - identify and control the factors to be taken into account for (i) the assessment of forest goods, services and products and for (ii) the evaluation of the profitability of management activities; - have a good command of calculation tools for evaluating the value of forests and the profitability of forest investment; - understand the functioning of the timber industry and the role of different actors (producers and primary processing).
Content This course consists of two parts: (i) forest policies (design, implementation) at national and international levels and (ii) the assessment of forest worth and profitability. The theoretical aspects - lectures assisted with projections - are associated with conferences, real-life examples, problem solving, practical applications treated in small groups, personal research on websites.
Other information Evaluation : written examination on the lecture, evaluation of the mini-project Support : syllabus, slides, reference books Teaching team : Teachers for the lecture and related activities
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Forests and Natural Areas Engineering
Faculty or entity
in charge

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