- To identify and understand the various elements that impact on the composition of salaries.
- To conduct a comparative analysis of current pay policies in the European countries concerned (i.e. Belgium, France, Italy and the United Kingdom).
- To note how much room for manoeuvre there is for human resource management policies in this field, and the constraints that they have to cope with (legislative aspects) and acknowledge (aspects relating to industrial bar-gaining)
Main themes
- Salary components.
- Shifts in the socio-economic context in the countries concerned, and its influence on salary determination.
- Comparative analysis of the key mechanisms and negotiating processes that occur in the determination of pay policies.
- Identification and explanation of the divergences and convergences between the European countries concerned in respect of salaries.
- Constraints and opportunities in the field of human resource management vis-à-vis pay policy (e.g. recruit-ment, proactive management, the flexibility and multiplicity of employment contracts, and the individualisation of salaries).
Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
This course forms part of a study programme that takes place in the evenings and on Saturday mornings