Aims of the course:
Bring the students to articulate psychology approaches and contemporary sociology approaches in order to seize specificities of these two different approaches and question their oppositions and the use of both approaches,
Bring the students to test these models of analysis in regards to specific contemporary situations (for example: participation device, hybrid forum, mediation, platform of dialogue, deliberative survey...)
Main themes
In order to achieve these goals, the course will consider certain current sociological approaches (Callon, Boltan-ski and Thévenot, Habermas, Honneth, Sintomer, Manin...) and certain psychology approaches (Mead, Piaget, Kohlberg,..). It questions the relevance of crossing them and their limits.
The topics discussed are: device, reflexivity, normalized interaction, adjusted interaction, third, authority, legi-timacy, power, moral judgement, training, negotiation, mediation, communication, recognition, norms, procedu-res, worlds, consensus, argumentation, institution,... (dispositif, réflexivité, interaction normée, interaction ajustée, tiers, autorité, légitimité, pouvoir, jugement moral, apprentissage, négociation, médiation, communica-tion, reconnaissance, norme, procédure, mondes, consensus, argumentation, institution)
Content and teaching methods
- Oral presentation given by the professor in charge,
- discussions,
- presentation of case studies,
- videos
Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)