This course provides the elements allowing students to put into perspective the humanitarian action in a continuum, i.e. the continuum humanitarian action-development, in relation with Peace-Building.
Main themes
The course will approach different issues:
- The role of the local and international actors, the links between gender and conflict, social, economical and political reconstruction.
- Economical, social, cultural, political and environmental consequences of humanitarian action in affected regions.
- Forced migrations and reintegration in local communities.
- Humanitarian action and development in context of specific or structural interventions (case studies)
- New Orientations regarding sustainable development, including the strategies reducing the vul-nerability of the populations to natural disasters.
- Analysis of the actors' strategies and plays concerning the definition and implementation of humanitarian or development projects.
- Analysis of humanitarian discourse and its prescriptive slope in a development prospect
Content and teaching methods
Lectures with discussions
Participation of field actors
Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Individual assignment.
Presentations and other documents of course are available on icampus Website