To assimilate the physicochemical principles necessary to the formulation of dosage forms
Main themes
1. Pharmaceutical solutions :
Partition coefficient
Osmotic presssure
2. The solid state :
Solid state properties :
The cristalline structure
The amorphous state
Solid dispersions
Properties of powders :
Particle size
Particle shape
Specific surface area
Powder density
Powder flowability and particles cohesion
3. Rheology :
Fluid viscosity
Determination of the flow properties of Newtonian fluids
Types of non-Newtonian behavior
Determination of the flow properties of non-Newtonian fluids
4. Disperse systems :
Interfacial phenomena
Liquid interfaces
Solid interfaces
Colloidal systems
5. Polymers :
General properties of polymers
Water-soluble polymers
Water-insoluble polymers and polymeric membranes
Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)