To finalize their training the students who have followed the "multimedia" options (initiation and perfection) will be asked to apply their theoretical and methodological skills in a concrete realization: a complex multimedia device.
Main themes
Articulated around a finalization project specific to every student, the workshop attempts to supply the technical complements necessary for the realization of a complex multimedia project answering a precise communicational objective. On the basis of the evolution of the market, it proposes detailed software trainings and tries hard to place the contribution of experts in communication in the conception, the management and the evaluation of this professional multimedia device.
Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Pre-requisite: The suvi of the options "multimedia" and "multimedia: perfection"
Assessment by a jury (academic and professional) of a finalization project
Framing: A helper for the follow-up and the encadrementdes projects of realization
Other: Intensive use of a computer room and the multimedia software appropriated