- To allow a critical thinking on the link between the practical teaching sessions and the theory seen at the French didactic course.
- Analyse, in a interdisciplinary perspective, what the epistemological stakes are in the different subjects and contexts of the teaching of French (as a mother tongue or as a second or foreign language)
Main themes
1. Special didactic questions linked to some specific situations of the practical teaching sessions. 2.History and sociological elements of the teaching of French. 3. In-depth study of the bases of the teaching of French : what set of values and knowledge types should be ascribed to it ? What part should be allocated to the teachers ?
4. What kind of concepts and problems can come out of the reference subjects of the teaching of French : psychocognitive approach, social and anthropological sciences, language science , text and literature sciences.
Content and teaching methods
1O sessions of magistral course : 1. History and sociology of the teaching of French. 2. Problems encountered when teaching French : Which value and knowledge types whould be ascribed to it ? What part should be allocated to the teachers ? 3. The reference subjects of the French course : psychocognitive approach, social sciences, language science, text and literature sciences. Interactive course where the work for the exam is prepared during the sessions.
7 sessions of seminar : 1. Simultaneously with the period of active teaching sessions in classes : preparation support, collective evaluation of the teaching experience. 2. Still during the active teaching sessions, presentation of each student of a part of the teaching subject and collective critical thinking and observation. 3. At the end of the active teaching sessions : presentation of a supervision lesson under the managment of the the seminar animator and drafting of the active teaching sessions report.
Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Prerequisites : This course is imperatively linked to the active teaching sessions and to the course French didactic and has to be followed the same year.
Evaluation : 1. A written report with a crifical thinking on the different stages of the active teaching sessions and of the seminar. 2. Oral Presentation on an issue chosen by the student reflecting the knowledge of the course and some personal reading.
Teaching materials : The students are given a list of bibliographic suggestions, copies of slides and documents used at each session, teaching sessions assesment sheets, methodological suggestions and some sort of templates for the preparation of lessons.
Others :
Sessions of magistral course : Unlimited number of students. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of this course, it is advisable that at least 2 professors, having different special knowledges, give this course. Each week, during a term, a theme of the course will undergo an introductive analysis, followed by an interactive reflection with the students.
Sessions of seminar : working in group of 15 students supported by pedagogical collaborators coming from secondary schools. Taking into account the needs expressed by the students and their teaching experiences, the animator suggests concrete tools and self critical debates.