This tutorial is related to ROM 2720 Literary History. It is thus presented as an introduction to personal research and preparation for the thesis in its various phases (analysis, problem setting, writing).
Main themes
The seminar will deepen localized issues. Depending on subjects and issues, texts from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century French literature will be selected.
Content and teaching methods
This year, the seminar will focus on the following subject: "Literature after the Belles-Lettres" It will deal with literary forms that appeared at the end of Classicism and exhibits a new conception of Literature (which supplants the phrase " Belles Lettres at the turn of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries). Among other forms, there are essays, memoirs, letters, autobiography, diary.
Texts from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries will be studies with Agnès Guiderdoni, texts from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries with Damien Zanone ; the seminar will question the process of legitimation of literary forms that first appeared as private practices without purpose or avowed aesthetic. I twill be a way to question the borders of literature.
Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Recommanded readings (for a theoretical basis) : Fiction et Diction by Gérard Genette (Seuil, 1991) ; Qu'est-ce qu'un genre littéraire ? by Jean-Marie Schaeffer (Seuil, 1989).
Assigment : written essay to be prepared individually or in small groups (depending on enrollment), led by the teacher. This work will lead to an oral presentation during a session of the seminar.
Prerequisite: literary history and previous knowledge of different ways to analyse literary texts.