Examples of technical skills: CPR, prevention tools in gynecology, intra-articular punctions, dermatology and wound care, patient-doctor communication tools. The calendar of this activity will be established by the Secretariat of the CUMG.
Evaluation: individual (included in OSCE in June).
Content and teaching methods
Module A: (2 H): CPR: acquisition of a competence in basic CPR (1st stage), at home or patient's bedside, out of the hospital. Contents: the side position of safety, Hemlich's manoeuvre, adult CPR, child CPR, endotracheal intubations. Module B: (2 H): intra articular punctions (practical training). Methodology: video projection: "techniques of infiltrations in rheumatology" (or slides) and discussion in group. Module C: (2 H): dermatology: to approach in a theoretical way various applicable dermatological techniques by the general practitioner in consultation and their indications and to describe the adequate material and to learn how to use it correctly. Contents: local anaesthesias, biopsies of the skin, treatments of the various warts, electro-cauterizations, use of liquid nitrogen and the dry ice. Module D: (2 H): tracking of cancer of uterine collar: realization of a cervical smear at the beginning of a correct gynaecological examination; reading and interpretation of the cytological protocols. Module E: (8 H): communication in the relation doctor-patient: the objective is to analyze the construction of the communication between the patient and the doctor within the framework of the consultation or a patient's visit at home, and its implications into practice. Contents: communication in medicine (general); establishing a relation with the patient (the introduction of the patient and first minutes of the consultation); end of the interview (how to conclude the interview, to be payed, issue a certificate, time respect...); the relationship between the doctor and the families of the patients; the doctor, the patient and the telephone.
Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Inscription at the CUMG. Secretariat CUMG: 02/764 53 44./4.
The workshops are given in restricted group of 10 students.
For the module E: working in small groups with case simulation, observations and evaluation by the participants, use of cameras and discussion in groups.