- To understand and apply standard techniques to build computer programs that automatically improve with experience,especially for classification problems
- To assess the quality of a learned model for a given task
- To assess the relative performance of several learning algorithms
- To justify the use of a particular learning algorithm given the nature of the data, the learning problem and a relevant performance measure
- To use, adapt and extend learning software
Main themes
- Leaning as search, inductive bias
- Combinations of decisions
- Loss function minimization, gradient descent
- Performance assessment
- Instance-based learning
- Probabilistic learning
- Unsupervised classification
Content and teaching methods
- Decision Tree Learning: ID3, C4.5, CART
- Linear Discriminants: Perceptrons, Gradient-Descent and Least-Square Procedures
- Maximal Margin Hyperplanes and Support Vector Machines
- Performance Measures: Hypothesis testing, Comparing Learning Algorithms
- Gaussian Classfiers, Fisher Linear Discriminants
- Bayesian Learning
- K-Nearest Neighbors
- Clustering Techniques
Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
- Prerequisites:
(1) SINF1121 or equivalent
(2) Basic knowledge in probability and statistics (BIR1203, BIR1304 or equivalent)
- Evaluation:
Written exam
WEB site: http://www.info.ucl.ac.be/Enseignant/Cours/INGI2262/