This course, organized in two distinct parts, aims at a double objectiveThe first part aims at:§ understanding the qualitative and quantitative aspects of molecular aspects between pharmacological agents and the cell, as a target and as a site of passage and metabolism;§ learning, by a personal work, to analyze from literature data, a pharmacological problem to reach a synthesis.The aim of the second part is to deepen the understanding of a given human pathology. According to the pathology to be approached, the course will cover the most recent data about the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying the onset and progression of the disease; its epidemiology and etiology will be detailed as well as the methods and techniques for its analysis. This in depth study of the chosen pathology will integrate the rationale for its pharmacological treatment and prevention. The student will have to give a seminar about one or a few papers in connection with and integrating concepts approached in the course.The course will aim to be integrative to underline the multidisciplinary character of diseases understanding and their treatment. At the end of the course, the student will be able to analyze recent data available in the literature about the detailed pathology and its related pharmacological strategies.
Main themes
The first part of the course concerning the cellular and molecular principles of pharmacology will aim at explaining the mechanisms that generally underlie the interactions between pharmacological agents and cells in the framework of applications to particular tissues or organs, such as cardiovascular or nervous systems or physio-pathological situations such as inflammation.In the second part of the course, which focuses on a given disease, the course will consist in a series two mini-symposia with chosen speakers from two participating institutions (UCL and Université de Lille 2) as well as with invited speakers. The conferences will make the link between the pathology and pharmacological strategies to fight and arrest it.
Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Precursorycourses Notions in biochemistry, metabolic biochemistry, cell biology and animal physiology.
Evaluation Presentation and discussion of a personal work on a subject related to pharmacology, with evaluation of the understanding of basic concepts.
Teaching team Coaching by the lecturer.