Initiation into the theories and themes relevant to an anthropology of mobility and sedentarisation
Deepening awareness of a specific issue in this field
Relating this theme to the end of term paper
Main themes
Le cours abordera à travers des exposés magistraux et des travaux de lectures:
A titre d'exemple, les thématiques et concepts suivantes:
Nomadisme, Pastoralisme, Sédentarité, Chasseur-Cueilleurs, Mobilité, Spatialité, Itinérance, Errance, Lien à la terre,
Et les populations suivantes : Tsiganes, Bédouins, Kung, Pygmées, Mongoles, Inuits, Guarani, etc.
Through lectures and readings such themes as : nomadism, pastoralism, sedentarisation, hunting and gathering, mobility, space, travelling, wandering, roots will be critically analysed
Content and teaching methods
For anthropology students this course will be evaluated according to the rules applying to the Mas-ter in anthropology, for other students a conventional exam is foreseen
Specific ways and means will be detailed by the teacher