Auteur(s) : Graham WYLIE (Monash Univ., Clayton, Australie)
Titre : What Really Happened at Aegospotami?
Revue : L’Antiquité Classique
: 55
Date : 1986
Pages : 125-141

Abstract :
Accounts given by Xenophon and Diodorus on the capture of an Athenian fleet at Aegospotami in 406 BC, and of preceding and subsequent events, are compared. Xenophon’s version is usually preferred, but his approach appears somewhat simplistic and uncritical, and raises difficulties. It is suggested that Lysander, possibly with Alkibiades’ connivance, trapped the Athenian into fighting with only portion of their fleet. Xenophon’s assertion that the entire Athenian force was captured and executed is totally rejected on logistic and other grounds.