Auteur(s) : Slobodan
DUSANIC (Univ. de Belgrade, Yougoslavie)
Titre : Plato’s Atlantis
Revue : L’Antiquité Classique
Volume : 51
Date : 1982
Pages : 25-52
In accordance with Plato’s
political and philosophical conceptions, the Atlantis of the Timaeus-Critias
must be understood as a cumulative symbol of the corrupt Athens and the corrupt
Syracuse at the same time. The topical facts of the two dialogues reveal an
engagement of Plato’s Academy in the political events of 357-355 B.C.,
the approximate context of the Timaeus-Critias. Special attention has
been devoted to the dialogues’ dramatic date, the occasion of the conversation
and the choice of characters to the images of the royal ritual and the natural
catastrophe, and to the genealogy of the Atlantid kings.