Auteur(s) : A.J. PODLECKI
(Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada)
Titre : Ajax’s Gods and the Gods of Sophocles
Revue : L’Antiquité Classique
Volume : 49
Date : 1980
Pages : 45-86
Divine and semi-divine beings permeate Sophocles’ plays. The whole roster
of Olympian deities is frequently named: nameless theoi and daimones
are often invoked by his characters; the efficacy of oracles seems to be taken
for granted. Of greater significance, however, are the pervasiveness of such
pre-Olympian abstractions as Aidos, Tyche, Dike and Eusebeia: all-revealing
and all-nurturing Helios; the awesome, but also reconciliatory power of the
nether gods.