Auteur(s) : Vin MASSARO (Monash Univ., Clayton, Australie)
Titre : Herodotos' Account of the Battle of Marathon and the Picture in the Stoa Poikile
Revue : L’Antiquité Classique
Volume : 47
Date : 1978
Pages : 458-475

The date, authorship, and contents of the Stoa Poikile picture which depicted the battle of Marathon suggest that it was Kimonian in inspiration and biased in favour of the Miltiadids. After an examination of the descriptions of the picture given by various ancient authorities, a composite description can be formulated which is found to be almost identical to the Herodotean account. The major discrepancy – the mention of the marsh in techniques of the ancient artist. It can then be argued that the Herodotean account was based substantially on the picture and therefore also biased in favour of the Miltiadids.