Auteur(s) : Francis CAIRNS (Univ. of Liverpool, Grande-Bretagne)
Titre : Horace, Odes, III, 13 and III, 23
Revue : L’Antiquité Classique
Volume : 46
Date : 1977
Pages : 523-543

The two odes are assigned to the genre anathematikon and analysed as such in detail, with attention to Horace’s use and variation of the generic topoi. A biological argument confirms the traditional view that the occasion of Odes, III, 13 is the Fontinalia. The topos of the great and the small is shown to be informative for the emotional level of the ode, and Horace’s exploitation and extension of archaic Greek lyric conventions are discussed with particular emphasis on his original treatment of the anathematikon. New views of the meaning of Odes, III, 23, of the festivals it refers to, of the significance of immunis manus and of the religious and philosophical context of the ode are offered.