Auteur(s) : Anton-Hermann CHROUST (Univ. Notre Dame, USA)
Titre : A Brief Analysis of the Vita Aristotelis of Diogenes Laertius (DL, V, 1-16)
Revue : L’Antiquité Classique
Volume : 34
Date : 1965
Pages : 97-129

The Vita Aristotelis of Diogenes Laertius is primarily an uncritical and haphazardly compiled collection of excerpts from a biographical tradition which had crystallized during the third, second and first centuries B.C. Although Diogenes Laertius relies primarily on the sympathetic account of Hermippus, he also makes ample use of a number of decidedly unsympathetic sources. The materials collated by D.L., then, are frequently colored by all manner of contradictory prejudice, indiscriminately selected and indiscriminately assembled.