Worster-Drought syndrome

(suprabulbar congenital paresis, congenital perisylvian syndrome)

Form of cerebral palsy primarily affecting the muscles innervated by the lower cranial nerves: limited movements  of the tongue and lips, phonation problems with dysarthria, swallowing disorders. Some cases could be familial and X-linked. MRI often shows bilateral polymicrogyria at the perisylvian level. Cognitive deficits, a moderate spastic quadriplegia and epilepsy are found in some cases.

Anesthetic implications:

deglution disorders, gastro-esophageal reflux, epilepsy

References : 

-         White SM. 
Anaesthesia for Worster-Drought syndrome. 
Eur J Anaesthesiol 2008; 25: 427-8.

Updated: August 2018