Toriello-Lacasse-Droste syndrome

[MIM 600 268]

(oculoectodermal syndrome, congenital skin aplasia-epibulbar dermoid syndrome)

Rare: 1/106. Mosaic mutations of the KRAS gene (12p12.1) which is a protooncogen. Sometimes considered as a variant of encephalo-cranio-skin lipomatosis (see Haberland syndrome).

Highly variable clinical presentation that most often includes:

and sometimes:

Anesthetic implications:

depending on the affected organs; echocardiography if this examination has never been performed before; avoid hyper- and hypoventilation as in cases of Moyamoya syndrome.


-        Lees M, Taylor D, Atherton  D, Reardon W. 
Oculo-ectodermal syndrome: report of two further cases. 
Am J Med Genet 2000 ; 91: 391-5.

Updated: March 2021