Takenouchi-Kosaki syndrome

[MIM 616 737]

Macrothrombocytopenia-lymphedema-developmental delay-facial dysmorphism-camptodactyly, syndrome)

Extremely rare. Autosomal dominant transmission of a mutation of the CDC142 gene (1p36.7).

Complex congenital developmental anomaly that combines:

-        mental retardation of variable severity: poor or absent speech, hypotonia

-        facial dysmorphism: bulging forehead, midface hypoplasia, short philtrum, hypertelorism, low-set ears, webbed neck, ptosis, synophris, wide mouth, wide nose base

-        macrothrombocytopenia

-        lymphedema (sometimes chylous ascites)

-        cardiac malformations: ductus arteriosus, ASD, VSD, abnormal pulmonary venous return

-        brain malformations: microcephaly, ventriculomegaly, abnormalities of the corpus callosum, Dandy-Walker, cortical or cerebellar atrophy

-        urogenital malformations: hypospadias, hydronephrosis, unilateral renal agenesis

-        skeletal abnormalities: camptodactyly, clinodactyly, thumb abnormalities

-        and sometimes: deafness, retinal dysplasia (strabismus or nystagmus)

Anesthetic implications:

echocardiography, total blood count, hemostasis, risk of difficult intubation

References : 

-        Takenouchi T, Okamoto N, Ida S, Uehara T, Kosaki K.
Further evidence of a mutation in CDC42 as a cause of a recognizable syndromic form of thrombocytopenia.
Am J Med Genet 2016; 170A: 852-5.

Updated: February 2022