Spinal amyotrophias

(proximal spinal muscular atrophy, SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy), Aran-Duchenne disease,Werdnig-Hoffman disease, Kugelberg-Welander-Wohlfart disease )

Rare: 1/6,000 live births in Europe. Autosomal recessive transmission of a mutation of the SMN1 gene (5q13.2),  responsible for the synthesis of SMN1, a protein essential to the survival of motor neurons. The mutation causes neurological disease with muscle atrophy due to the degeneration of spinal motoneurons. 

Classically, five clinical forms are described but the evolution of the patients is modified by the recently introduced therapies:

-   SMA type I or infantile or Werdnig-Hoffmann disease [MIM 253 300] (see this term): most severe form; onset in the first 6 months of life: the child never acquires the sitting position; hypotonia with symmetric and rapidly progressive paralysis of the four limbs, lingual twitching, major respiratory failure caused by intercostal muscles paralysis, early death (< 2 years); a hypoplastic left heart, or ASD or VSD can be associated

-         SMA type II or juvenile [MIM 253 550]: onset between 6 and 12 months of age; type 2a: the child can sit but cannot stand; type 2b: the child can stand and take a few steps with help. Early dorsolombar kyphosis (< 3 years of age) and hypotonic scoliosis (90 %); contractures of some joints and dislocation of the hip; tremulation of the tongue and extremities. Frequent osteoporosis due to immobilization. Restrictive syndrome and alveolar hypoventilation with a narrow chest as a consequence of the involvement of the intercostal, abdominal and spinal muscles. Frequent gastroparesis and significant risk of acute gastric dilation (25 %). Midface hypoplasia following the chronic application of a NIV mask. Risk of undernutrition or obesity. Survival until adulthood; swallowing disorders

-         SMA type III or Kugelberg-Welander-Wohlfart disease [MIM 253 400] (see this term) (< 15 % of cases): onset after 2 year of age; the child is able to walk with difficulty; scoliosis; survival to adulthood; some cases of cardiomyopathy have been described

-         SMA type IV [MIM 271 150]:  (< 5 % of cases): onset after 18 year of age;adult form characterized by a progressive paralysis of the lower limbs with loss of the patellar reflexes: the patients remain mobile until 50 year of age; respiratory, bulbar and visceral involvement is rare; sometimes respiratory problems; life expectancy is unaffected.

-         SMA type 0: neonatal form with major hypotonia and respiratory distress at birth, involvement of the facial nerves (sucking and swallowing are impossible); prenatal signs: decreased fetal movements, multiple arthrogryposis congenita, cardiac anomalies; rapid death within the first months of life

Possible treatments:

-         replacement of the SMN1 protein (viral vector): onasemnogene abeparvovec IV. Monitoring: platelets and liver enzymes: SMA 1 and 2

-         increased production of the SMN2 protein: nusinersen (Spinraza®) intrathecally every 4 months, or risdiplam orally daily: SMA 1, 2 and 3

-         as many patients show signs of neuromuscular junction fatigability, adjuvant treatment with salbutamol may be combined with this treatment

There are other less frequent forms:

a) Spinal proximal Muscular Atrophies not related to the SMN1 gene  

b) Spinal Muscular Atrophies:  distal and/or generalised affecting primarily the distal limbs

* type 2A [MIM 615 290]: weakness of the lower limbs, amyotrophy, difficult walking, deformation of the feet, joint contractures

* type 2B [MIM 615 291]: very early onset, more severe evolution

c) bulbar or bulbospinal Spinal Muscular Atrophies: degeneration of motoneurons of the lower part of the brain stem

-        Fazio-Londe disease: autosomal dominant or recessive inheritance, onset between 1 and 20 years of age; progressive bulbar palsy

-        Brown-Vialetto-Van Laere disease: autosomal recessive inheritance of a mutation of the SLC52A3 gene (20p13) (type 1) [MIM 211 530] or of the SLC52A2 gene (8q24.3) (type 2) [MIM 614 707]; onset between 2 months and 20 years of age. Progressive bulbar palsy with deafness

-        Kennedy disease (MIM 313 200): X-linked transmission of a mutation of the AR gene (Xq11-q12); onset after 20 years of age; the bulb is affected: progressive proximal weakness; insensitivity to androgens; dysarthria, dysphagia.

Anesthetic implications

at least for the clinical forms linked to SMN1 gene: denervation causes a change in the composition of the muscle fibres i.e. a decrease in glycogen, an alteration of the β-oxidation of fatty acids and a secondary deficiency in carnitine. The more severe the phenotype, the more these changes are. These patients are therefore in a metabolic situation similar to those suffering of a  anomaly of the ß-oxidation of fatty acids with a risk of acute hepatic failure (Reye-like syndrome) in case of catabolism. It is therefore important to administer enough glucose to avoid lipid catabolism, provide carnitine supplements and avoid using a continuous infusion of propofol .

Risk of difficult intubation: progressive ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint and decrease in cervical mobility (muscular contracture or secondary to the scoliosis repair). Mask ventilation is usually not difficult. Use of videolaryngoscopy is recommended.

The use of locoregional anesthesia is a subject of controversy: the risk of aggravating the evolution at the spinal level (motor neurons) or peripheral (axopathy)  level is unknown and must be assessed according to each patient.

The intrathecal injections can be performed under local anesthesia with or without sedation, or under general anesthesia (facial or laryngeal mask) according to the age, clinical status and preferences of the child. In case of scoliosis (with or without arthrodesis), some teams use a CT-scan or ultrasound-guided approach (paramedian or paraspinal approach).

Restrictive respiratory failure in types I and II (often non-invasive ventilation during night or daytime). Swallowing disorders. Risk of hypoglycemia due to muscle wasting and malnutrition. Osteoporosis, scoliosis. 

NO succinylcholine: potential risk of hyperkalemia. Difficult monitoring of neuromuscular function.

SMA I :         often hypoplastic left heart syndrome, or ASD or associated VSD; early feeding by gastrostomy. Midface hypoplasia due to non-invasive ventilation by facemask. Risk of sudden death. Locoregional anesthesia has been used with success. Intrathecal administration of nusinersen allows to recover some motricity and improves the quality of live. Risk of hepatotoxicity in case of gene therapy by onasemnogene.

SMA II :         non-invasive  ventilation;  growth retardation (rarely obesity by inactivity), osteoporosis, early severe scoliosis. Risk of difficult intubation: midface hypoplasia, paralysis of the facial muscles, contracture of the masseters. Regional anesthesia has been used successfully.

SMA III :        locoregional anesthesia used successfully, increased sensitivity to non depolarizing muscle relaxants (dose and duration of action).

SMA IV:        no apparent sensitivity to non depolarizing muscle relaxants

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Updated: September 2024